Vulgar words in The Foundations of the Origin of Species - Two Essays written in 1842 and 1844 (Page 1)

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for lapse of time, 124 ; comb-making of bee, 125 ; birds feeding young, 19 , 126 ; nest-building, gradation in, 18 , 120 , 121 , 122 ; instincts, complex, difficulty in believing in their evolution, 20 , 121 Intermediate forms, see Forms Island, see Elevation, Fauna, Flora Island, upheaved and gradually colonised, 184 Islands, nurseries of new species, 33 , 35 n. , 185 , 189 Isolation, 32 , 34 n. , 64 , 95 , 183 , 184 Lepidosiren, 140 n. , 212 Limbs, vertebrate, of one type, 38 , 216 Mammals , arctic, transported by icebergs, 170 ; distribution, 151 , 152 , 193 ; distribution of, ruled by barriers, 154 ; introduced by man on islands, 172 ; not found on oceanic islands, 172 ; relations in time and space, similarity of, 176 ; of Tertiary period, relation of to existing forms in same region, 174 Mammals, Names of :- Antelope, 148 ; Armadillo, 174 ; Ass, 79 , 107 , 172 ; Bat, 38 , 123 , 128 n. , 131 , 132 , 214 ; Bear, sterile in captivity, 100 ; -whale-like habit, 128 n. ; Bizcacha, 168 , 203 , 212 ; Bull, mammæ of, 232 ; Carnivora, law of compensation in, 106 ; Cats, run wild at Ascension, 172 ; -tailless, 60 ; Cattle, horns of, 75 , 207 ; -increase in S. America, 90 ; {261} -Indian, 205 ; -Niata, 61 , 73 ; -suffering in parturition from too large calves, 75 ; Cheetah, sterility of, 100 and n. ; Chironectes, 199 ; Cow, abortive mammæ, 232 ; Ctenomys, see Tuco-tuco; Dog, 106 , 114 ; -in Cuba, 113 and n. ; -mongrel breed in oceanic islands, 70 ; -difference in size a bar to crossing, 97 ; -domestic, parentage of, 71 , 72 , 73 ; -drooping ears, 236 ; -effects of selection, 66 ; -inter-fertile, 14 ; -long-legged breed produced to catch hares, 9 , 10 , 91 , 92 ; -of savages, 67 ; -races of resembling genera, 106 , 204 ; -Australian, change of colour in, 61 ; -bloodhound, Cuban, 204 ; -bull-dog, 113 ; -foxhound, 114 , 116 ; -greyhound and bull-dog, young of resembling each other, 43 , 44 n. , 225 ; -pointer, 114 , 115 , 116 , 117 , 118 ; -retriever, 118 n. ; -setter, 114 ; -shepherd-dog and harrier crossed, instinct of, 118 , 119 ; -tailless, 60 ; -turnspit, 66 ; Echidna, 82 n. ; Edentata, fossil and living in S. America, 174 ; Elephant, sterility of, 12 , 100 ; Elk, 125 ; Ferret, fertility of, 12 , 102 ; Fox, 82 , 173 , 181 ; Galeopithecus, 131 n. ; Giraffe, fossil, 177 ; -tail, 128 n. ; Goat, run wild at Tahiti, 172 ; Guanaco, 175 ; Guinea-pig, 69 ; Hare, S. American, 158 n. ; Hedgehog, 82 n. ; Horse, 67 , 113 , 115 , 148 , 149 ; -checks to increase, 148 , 149 ; -increase in S. America, 90 ; -malconformations and lameness inherited, 58 ; -parentage, 71 , 72 ; -stripes on, 107 ; -young of cart-horse and racehorse resembling each other, 43 ; Hyena, fossil, 177 ; Jaguar, catching fish, 132 ; Lemur, flying, 131 n. ; Macrauchenia, 137 ; Marsupials, fossil in Europe, 175 n. , 177 ; -pouch bones, 232 , 237 ; Mastodon, 177 ; Mouse, 153 , 155 ; -enormous rate of increase, 89 , 90 ; Mule, occasionally breeding, 97 , 102 ; Musk-deer, fossil, 177 ; Mustela vison , 128 n. , 132 n. ; Mydas, 170 ; Mydaus, 170 ; Nutria, see Otter; Otter, 131 , 132 , 170 ; -marsupial, 199 , 205 , 211 ; Pachydermata, 137 ; Phascolomys, 203 , 212 ; Pig, 115 , 217 ; -in oceanic islands, 70 ; -run wild at St Helena, 172 ; Pole-cat, aquatic, 128 n. , 132 _n._; Porpoise, paddle of, 38 , 214 ; Rabbit, 74 , 113 , 236 ; Rat, Norway, 153 ; Reindeer, 125 ; Rhinoceros, 148 ; -abortive teeth of, 45 , 231 ; -three oriental species of, 48 , 249 ; Ruminantia, 137 and n. ; Seal, 93 n. , 131 ; Sheep, 68 , 78 , 117 , 205 ; -Ancon variety, 59 , 66 , 73 ; -inherited habit of returning home to lamb, 115 ; -transandantes of Spain, their migratory instinct, 114 , 117 , 124 n. ; Squirrel, flying, 131 ; Tapir, 135 , 136 ; Tuco-tuco, blindness of, 46 , 236 ; Whale, rudimentary teeth, 45 , 229 ; Wolf, 71 , 72 , 82 ; Yak, 72 Metamorphosis, literal not metaphorical, 41 , 72 Metamorphosis, e.g.

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